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About me

G'Day, I’m Michelle!  

Business & Life Coach, Accountant, Candlemaker, Craft Obsessor, Tea Lover, Organised Queen and Aussie Mum.



I was a single mum of 4 while juggling a corporate career, along with a side hobby (or two) that turned into a side business, then added a little study to make a pivot into something I was passionate about.

I became the organised queen out of self-necessity.

I have always strived to chase my dreams and continue to plan for them.

Fast forward....

Fast forward 12 years, and I hung up my corporate hat and packed away the timesheets to follow my passion as a Productivity Coach for busy business mums and Female Entrepreneurs.

I wanted to help other Women that were struggling through some of the things I had faced in my life, pass on skills I had learned through my working career and owning my own businesses, and help make their lives simpler too.

I wanted to be able to pay it forward!



I realised that some of the things I thought were easy or natural, to others were not.

My skills and knowledge as an accountant and a business owner could help many others, by implementing the steps I had taken.

And so my journey to create my program began!

Unlike many Mindset and Motivation Coaches, I focus on helping YOU to simplify & automate systems and helping YOU get clear on goals & direction.

I focus on tangible outcomes AND managing your mind!

Does this sound like you........?


👉 Feel constantly unorganised in your business or at home (or both).

👉 Are always busy but achieving little or less than you would like.

👉 Feel like there is never enough time.

👉 Are struggling to get or keep a routine.

👉 Feel like your health is suffering due to tiredness and/or stress.

👉 Are stuck in rut. You want more out of life.

👉 Procrastinate way too much.

👉 Don’t have a clear direction in your business.

👉 Have no clue what all your numbers are telling you. Or you don’t even know what system to record them in.

👉 Are surrounded by “stuff” and you don’t know where to start. It just feels overwhelming.

👉 Just want things to slow down!

How I can help you?

I will provide you with not only the knowledge to take control of your business and finances but the tools to stay on track.

I won’t do the hard work for you, but I will lead you through a process of self-discovery and education, and work through any blocks you have that are holding you back from living your best life.

Once you know what you are aiming for, we can work on an action plan together to help get you there.

Together we can find hacks to simplify things within your business, automate tasks, and put some simple systems and processes in place that will help you daily and allow you to free up more time. (No point continually reinventing the wheel!)

I will help to keep you accountable so you stay on track towards your goals and call you out when you are making excuses. (Sometimes you will curse me! But you will also be thankful )

I take things back to basics, remove all the jargon that Accountants speak, and help you finally get off the hamster wheel.

I can train you in Xero software to help you keep track of your business finances.

 And most importantly, I help you to continue to fill up your own cup daily so you continue to stay in alignment. (Work-life balance is a load of crap!!)

Book a Discovery Call


Book a free 15 minute discovery call and we can have a chat about where you are at with your business, what your currently struggling with, and what is the best solution for you.

We will discuss what program is best suited for you? Or whether I am the coach for you?

If I cannot help you, or we just don’t feel like we are a good fit for each other, I will do my best to recommend someone who may be better suited for you.


Book your Discovery Call Now


First the Professional Stats! 

  • I have a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) Degree
  • I have a Master Certification in Life Coaching and a Master Certification in Mindset Life Coaching
  • I have over 30 years experience in Accounting and Business (Oh that makes me sound old!)
  • I have owned and run 3 businesses
  • One of those businesses I still run as a side hustle
  • I am Xero certified
  • I am an excel nerd!

And now for the fun ones!

  • In my downtime, I binge watch TV series with my husband, or you will find us camping in our rooftop tent or on a hike.
  • I have an addiction to buying notebooks and pens
  • I love Tea and generally have about 3 different flavours in a day
  • I love reading but get too distracted so Audiobooks are my best friends!
  • I live in a rural village in Australia with a population of 100
  • I am also addicted to chocolate
  • Yoga and collagen are two things I wish I knew about in my 20s

Certified Master Life Coach

Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)

Certified Business Coach

Certified Entreneurship Coach