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Helping Busy Business Mums to Get Sh*t Done!


For Course Creators, Coaches and Service Providers

Finally get your Course, Membership or Program out into the world with my 'Get Sh*t Done' Framework so you can Stop Procrastinating and Grow Your Business while Avoiding Burnout.



From 'I'll do it one day...' to 'It's Done!'


For Course Creators, Coaches and Service Providers

Finally get your Course, Membership or Program out into the world with my 'Get Sh*t Done' Framework so you can Stop Procrastinating and Grow Your Business.


Hi! Iā€™m Michelle.

Iā€™m a Productivity ā€“ Business and Life Coach.


I help Busy Business Mums to Get Sh*t Done so they can go from feeling like a hot mess to being the organised, financially secure, chilled-out entrepreneurs they aspire to be.


I focus on planning, simplifying & automating systems, and the mindset around why we don't get some things done.

Unlike many mindset & motivational coaches,Ā I focus on helping YOU get clear on goals & direction, then put a plan in place and I help YOU to simplify & automate systems. This work is done alongside finding what is causing your roadblocks and mindset issues and giving you the tools to manage this on your own.

This helps YOU to live a less chaotic, more organised life, to feel less stressed and more in control, and to take charge of YOUR financial future.



āŒ Feel l like you never have enough hours in your days and weeks to get everything done.

āŒ Are sick of feeling overwhelmed and stressed, while others seem to have their sh*t together.

āŒ Have an idea of where you want to go, but no clue how to get started.

āŒ Sit down at your desk with a long list of To-Do's and don't know what you should be working on.

āŒ Struggle to understand the financial reports you know you should be looking at. And you continue to stick your head in the sand because you just don't know.

āŒ Want to sort your sh*t out and get organised but you don't know where to start.

āŒ Feel you lack clarity about where you are really heading. Or you have so many brilliant ideas but don't know where to start.


āœ” Had free time every week to do what you were really passionate about or spend it with your special people.

āœ” Felt calm and in control for most of your days.

āœ” Understood your numbers and were able to plan for the future to reach those business goals you dream of.

āœ” Knew what you needed to work on every time you sat at your desk.

āœ” Had a plan and a process and repetitive tasks happened automatically or with ease.

āœ” Knew where to find things when you needed them.

āœ” Had some clear goals and a plan to reach them.




Get clear on your goals


Create a solid plan


Find your big time wasters


Regularly review progress


Learn to manage your mind


Get systems in place


Automative repetitive tasks

Financial Literacy

Improve financial literacy


A little About Me!

I am a Degree Qualified Accountant and a Certified Master Life Coach. After the last 12 years as Public Practice Accountant, I left the timesheets behind to follow my passion for Business and Life Coaching.

I am a mum of 4 children & 2 grandchildren, with plenty of life experience. I have been married, a carer for a partner suffering from mental health, divorced, a single mum, and now remarried. Organisation is my jam!

I juggle many hats and continue to find new hobbies that I just can’t resist. I love cooking, dislike housework (so try and find shortcuts), love camping & hiking, love to read and listen to podcasts (I always have a new suggestion for you), I am addicted to crafting, and am a self-confessed hoarder of pretty notebooks and pens.  

With 30 years of Business and Accounting experience, I can not only help you to understand your numbers and all the nerdy things that many business owners and entrepreneurs avoid. I can help you work through your business goals, make improvements in your business and put a plan in place to aim for the goals.

If you are confused about what it is that you want to do or what your next step should be, I can work through it with you to clear the blocks and gain clarity over your visions.

Find out a little more about me!



1:1 Coaching customised for your needs from the comfort of your own home.

I can help you to get clear on your goals with a plan to reach them, review and implement systems and processes, and improve your financial literacy.

I can help you learn to manage your mind, giving you the tools needed to overcome roadblocks. And be the Accountability buddy you need to work towards your goals. 

We will target your struggles and personalise the sessions around your needs, wants and goals. 

Find out more

Programs and Courses

There are Group Coaching Programs, Masterclasses and Courses run throughout the year.

Have a browse of what's on offer, and jump onto the VIP Waitlist so you are first to get notified before they open. 

Find out more


Samantha Hales

I had a session with Michelle regarding an introduction to Xero. As I had never used the platform previously, Michelle was thorough and clearly explained the basic points I needed to know for the everyday use of my business. She’s really lovely, easy to chat with and really patient with answering any questions. I highly recommend Michelle for her great understanding.


Michelle helped me to knock procrastination on the head and stop the excuses I was finding from getting in my way. She helped to keep me accountable.

Sarah Kelly

Working with Michelle has helped me with my organisation and management skills both personally and professionally.

Michelle is a kind and supportive teacher and has helped me identify my good and bad habits in the work environment, she then went further and showed me easy ways to overcome my bad habits and improve my good.

If you want someone who will help teach, support and empower you, Michelle Hearne is the person to work with.


I've been using another accounting system in my hairdressing business for over 20 years.

They seem to be all cloud based now & I was extremely apprehensive about change.

Michelle Hearne recommended Xero & after a few nudges that it would be a simpler system I took the plunge.

Michelle set everything up in no time at all, nothing was too much trouble & I’m wishing I’d made the move to Xero years ago ( she did suggest it). I swear it saves me 80% of my time & I’m not dreading doing book work.

Hairdressers do hair not book work.

Book a Discovery Call


Book a 15 minute discovery call and we can have a chat about where you are at with your business, what your currently struggling with, and what is the best solution for you.

We will discuss what program is best suited for you? Or whether I am the coach for you?

If I cannot help you, or we just don’t feel like we are a good fit for each other, I will do my best to recommend someone who may be better suited for you.


Book your Discovery Call Now


Tackling Your Procrastination Style

Getting Organised Using Free Online Tools and Apps

Cracking the Code of Procrastination: Why We Do It and How to Beat It

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